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Where do The Germs Hide at Your Workplace?

We all know there are germs everywhere, especially at the workplace.  And with the flu reaching epidemic levels, we need to know what to watch out for.  Where are the most germ ridden locations in the workplace? The average toilet seat has an ATP count of 55. Adenosine Triphosphate - ATP is a living cell's source of energy. Through ATP readings The Healthy Workplace Project ranked the most bacteria laden surfaces at your place of business. A toilet seat does not make the list:

8. Door handle - 138
7. Vending machine - 151
6. Your Desk - 152
5. Your Phone - 164
4. Your Mouse - 165
3. Your Keyboard - 284
2. A microphone flag - 285
1. The Microwave - 315

There are 25,000 germs per square inch on the average phone. Have a great day.
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