What a Long Day

The time is now 11:00 and I just got home from work. Damn, what a long ass day!  It was fairly uneventful exempt for these three events that happened today:

 1) I ate some amazing chicken fried steak today. It was awesome. Perhaps the best I have had in awhile.  Sad thing is, I am not sure where it was from.  It was brought into work, still hot and fresh. 

 2) I drove through shitty Austin traffic to a meeting in Northwest Austin.  It took 45 minutes to get there thanks to construction and an accident.  On the way back from the meeting, I passed a couple who were wearing matching turquoise polo shirts. Funny thing is, they were probably both in their teens.  How strange is that?  I usually see old people wearing matching outfits, not youngsters.  On a positive note, the girl was wearing some skimpy cut-off jean shorts.  :)

 3) I walked into the office restroom at about 8:15 and I swear I heard somebody masturbating in one of the stalls. I heard the slapping of skin on penis and heard some moans.  I know the guy was alone because I looked low and saw only two feet and heard only one voice moaning.  I hurried, peed, washed my hands and left. Weird thing is, the guy didn't stop masturbating when I walked in and he was still going when I left.  Personally, I have never masturbated at work.  It is too much of a pain to do it.  I would have to walk all the way across the building to the bathroom, think about sex-like things, keep my erection going while worrying about someone walking in, and then try not to shoot my load all over my work clothes. Way too much work.

At least I am home now.  I need a Drink!!!
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