This was sent to me via Shelly DeLange from Overland Park, Kansas.  See even sent the pic.  She would like all bloggers to reblog this to help spread the word and strengthen the fight against cancer.  Sorry for your loss Shelly and we are definitely going to help spread the word!

I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t reblog this.

To everyone that has ever lost someone to cancer I am deeply sorry for your loss.

Everyone knows someone that has been touched by cancer. It may have been a family member or a friend, someone you loved deeply or someone that you crossed paths with in a grocery store. But we all know someone.

I lost my mom when I was three not to breast cancer but to non-hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Organizations like Livestrong are important regardless of what one flawed man did. I hope that the one good that comes out of a flawed athlete’s actions is that his foundation continues on and gets stronger.

Sorry about using blogs for preaching, but this is important! I’m not a big fan of swearing but my friend said it best:
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