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A New National Holiday

The awesome people over at 4for4.com have placed a petition before President Obama’s Administration asking them:
to consider declaring the Monday following Super Bowl Sunday a national holiday. By doing so, the Obama Administration can promote camaraderie among the American people, keep the streets safer for our children on Sunday night and Monday morning, promote a productive workplace when work resumes on Tuesday, and honor the most popular event in modern American culture.

AMEN!!!  Hallelujah!!!  How come it has take soooo long!  This is like 25 years overdue.  Everyone hates going to work after spending a good 12+ hours “celebrating” the Super Bowl on Super Bowl Sunday by eating and drinking your ass off.  I know there have been Mondays when I went to work and I think I was still buzzed or drunk.  How much actually gets done at workplaces around the country on the Monday after the Super Bowl.  I know I rarely do anything!

Alas, it looks like this holiday may not come to fruition.  At this moment, the petition has only 3,000+ signatures. Come on people! What the Hell are you doing?  Get off your ass and sign that petition!  We can do this. Stand up and be heard!  Then the Obama Administration can finally do something that we all want them to do!!!  
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