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The wonder (of) bra's - part one

Well, i was browsing for some pics to post about bra's and stumbled onto this book. It should probably be a must read for me. But it's definitely a must read wives who are looking for a way to affect behavioral change in their husbands.

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Think that bras are just for women? Think again! In this thought provoking book, Emily Masters illustrates how a garment that most women take for granted may be used to revolutionize your relationship, helping your man put a stop to bad habits, encouraging him to become more attentive to your needs, and keeping him safe from the temptations of adultery. Doing exactly what its title suggests, "brassiered: a complete guide to brassiere discipline" explores every aspect of this radical new approach to using lingerie to spice up your love life, keeping your man on his toes and strengthening the bond between you in the process. It's all about bra discipline, but if you've no idea what that is, don't worry - this book will tell you everything you need to know about this exciting practice.

If i had been disciplined in this manner while married, i'd still be married! But that's another story.

Bra discipline. Oh............my!

sissy maid diane
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