So I was driving around downtown Des Moines this this morning and I was stopped at a red light.
I was second in line, a plain white car was in front of me.
The street I was waiting to cross was one way (Trust me, this is relevant)
I noticed a woman off to the right, half on her street/half turned onto our street. The problem was her light was already yellow.
My light turned green.
The lady tried to beat us to through the intersection, ended up swinging way wide and cutting off the driver in front of me.
The person in front of me tapped his horn to acknowledge her shitty driving.
Crazy lady driver gave him the finger...
Then lights in the back window and probably in the front bumper began to flash and I hear a siren.
Turns out the plain white car in front was an unmarked police car. I kind of thought so because of the license plate with all numbers and several antennas on top of the car.
All I could think about was Karma. The lady got what she deserved!
Talk About Karma
Posted by ahmadfauz
Posted on 11.29
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