Overheard at Casey's Today
Posted by ahmadfauz
Posted on 15.23
with No comments
I went to Casey's to grab a slice of pizza and a coke for lunch. It was about 11:20 AM when I got there and there was this lady about 50 years old buying a 12 pack of Bud and two Cartons of cigarrettes along with some snacks, etc. Her total rang up to 40-something dollars.
A guy came in the store and said "Hey, how ya doin'?" to her.
She looked at him, sneered and said "Well, I just got fired this morning, so I am gonna get drunk!" and she walked out.
First of all, if you just got fired then why the Hell are you buying 40+ dollars worth of beer, cigs and junk food. Maybe you should save your $$$.
Secondly - Drinking at 11 AM. Wow!!! I would hate to see that lady now. Hope she sobers up and finds a job soon.
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