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Hooking Up in an Omaha Gym
Posted by ahmadfauz
Posted on 08.21
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Last month, there was a news expose on gym hookups that I am just getting around to writing about. It happened not to far from me. Joel Potter, the owner of the Blue Moon Fitness centers in Omaha, Nebraska, discovered a Craigslist Casual Encounters ad, where a member was propositioning other members for oral sex in the saunas. “Looking to see if any members of Blue Moon on 108th and Q want to coordinate workout times… ideal for a straight, married guy to hit the gym and get what the wife/girlfriend hates to do,” the ad said.
Potter didn't want his gym to become a Swinger's club so he closed down the saunas to prevent any further sexual activity. This isn't the first time sex in his Fitness center has been an issue. Of course Potter wants to make it be known that sexual activity is a problem affecting fitness clubs across the country, not just his and not just in the Omaha area.
As for me, I am not all that surprised by this expose. It is a gym, where good looking people go to work out and everyone knows that gyms are notorious hook up spots. I met a girl in a gym while living in Texas. We dated for about 8 months and we had sex in the gym we met at (it was in the bathroom, not the hot tub.) I know of three other people who have had sex in a gym, so it really isn't a big deal. What is surprising is the Craigslist ad and the guy using the gym for his oral sex trysts! SICK! I guess I am all for natural hook ups in a gym, but if you have to advertise it, use a hotel room.
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